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President's Letter

Thursday, January 17, 2008 8:14 PM | Deleted user

Dear fellow Sertomans,

It is the beginning of a new year and I hope this letter finds each of you doing well and recovering from the holiday season.  Please join me in congratulating Steve Etheredge, our Sertoman of the Year! He was rightfully honored at our January 3rd lunch meeting.  Thanks, Steve, for all that you have done, and continue to do, for our club.  We couldn’t do it without you!

We are now halfway through our fiscal year and the main focus we will have for the next month is on our annual Mardi Gras silent auction party which will take place on Saturday February 9th, 2008 at the Summit Club.  This is one of our largest fund raising events and I sincerely hope all of you can be there and bring some friends as well!  We have already secured some great auction items, but as always, we are in need of more.  These items can be anything from hotel stays to restaurant gift certificates to big screen TVs’ to a plane ride over Columbia.  The more items we have, the better our auction will be.  Remember it is crunch time so please do your best to secure some great items!

Also, we will need many helping hands that night to make sure things run smoothly.  From gathering bid sheets once the auctions end to getting the items in the properly numbered bag to getting our customers checked out in a timely fashion, there is much to be done and we’ll need as much help as we can get behind the scenes to accomplish this and make it seamless for our guests.  Ann Pauley and Pat Blackwell may be asking you to help with certain functions, so please do your best to be there and contribute!  This is shaping up to be a really nice event, so spread the word.  A flier can also be downloaded from the club website at 

Lastly, we will have our January board meeting at the Summit Club on Tuesday January 8th at 6pm, and as always, these meetings are open to the whole club.  We hope to see you up there Tuesday night.

Thanks for all you do for our club.

Whitney E. Woolfolk

Richland Sertoma Club (c) 2013. All Rights Reserved.
Richland Sertoma is a chapter of SERTOMA Inc.

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