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President's Letter April 2008

Wednesday, April 02, 2008 3:59 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Hello fellow Sertomans,

It looks like spring is finally here, and along with it, those April showers we always hear about.  I hope this letter finds everyone doing well and not suffering too much from all of this pollen.  We are into the last quarter of our fiscal year now and the next big item on our agenda is our New Member Social which is scheduled for Wednesday, April 16th at the Summit Club (just two weeks away!).  I sincerely hope you can join us for this event and bring several prospects that you think would enjoy joining our club.  This is a great chance to socialize with new people and let them know exactly what Sertoma is all about.  Both of last year's socials were big hits, so I am hoping this one will be too.

Eric and his crew will be preparing some nice appetizers for us to munch on, and of course there will be beer, wine and other non-alcoholic beverages for our guests to enjoy.  Our speaker for the evening will be Mac Bennett, President/CEO of the United Way of the Midlands.  He will be speaking to us on the importance of community service and volunteer work, and he would know!  The social will begin at 6pm and end around 8pm.  If you have not already done so, please hand out invitations to your guests ASAP.  If you have not gotten any invitations yet, I will have them at the Thursday 4/3 lunch meeting.  Otherwise, please call me to arrange to get yours.  Once you have handed out your invitations, please email myself or Steven Langer with the names and addresses of your guests.  Whether they are able to attend the social or not, we will have one of two letters to send to them after the event: one for those guests who did attend, thanking them for coming and asking them to consider joining, and one for those who could NOT come, letting them know that we missed them but hope they will join us for a lunch meeting one day.  PLEASE do not forget to email myself or Steven Langer as soon as you have your names.

Again, we are looking forward to a great event and hope everyone can come and bring several guests.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or Steven Langer.

Thanks for all you do for our club,


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Richland Sertoma is a chapter of SERTOMA Inc.

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